lol japan

To Director’s Cut… or not to Director’s Cut; That is the Question.

Kamen Rider Kabuto

To DC or not to DC, that is the question… Or, well, at least some believe. The other day I managed to snag a copy of the Kamen Rider Kabuto Director’s Cut DVD just to see the big deal around Director Cut’s and why Toei even bothers editing a version of a movie (excluding the […]

June 19, 2007 ・ merkypie

vlcsnap-8698727.jpgTo DC or not to DC, that is the question… Or, well, at least some believe.

The other day I managed to snag a copy of the Kamen Rider Kabuto Director’s Cut DVD just to see the big deal around Director Cut’s and why Toei even bothers editing a version of a movie (excluding the obvious reason of cashing in on a hot franchise) they had released 5 months prior on DVD.

Well, let’s just break it down in a quick compare and contrast:

Directors Cut
Director’s Cut
Theatrical Version*
Special Features*
Dolby Digital 5.1
Surround Sound
Commentary Track

Theatrical Version
Theatrical Version
Japanese Subtitles
Dolby Digital 5.1
Surround Sound

*Theatrical Version is only accessed through the chapter selection, which only brings you to the scenes in the movie (it’s not two seperate movies on the DVD)
*Special Features are only TV spots, DVD ads, Poster Art, Theater Promotional Trailer, and a soundless (no sfx/music) DVD ad

That Director’s Cut sure looks nice, doesn’t it? Just look at that list, it has special features anvlcsnap-8740546.jpgd two versions of the movie! Hell, it even has a commentary track! But not for ten bucks more. The theatrical version is priced at 4,500 and the DC is priced at 5,200… which is roughly $42 and $50 for those who want the conversion break down. I think I can do something with that 8 dollars, like buy me a value meal at McDonald’s or some milk for the week (it’s sad when milk is as much as gas).

While the Director’s Cut wows us with magical “special features” and a commentary track from Hiro Mizushima (Tendou), Yuuki Satou (Kagami), and Hidenori Ishida (Director)… the Director’s Cut fails to wow me in the other departments that makes the Director’s Cut, well, a Director’s Cut. Usually you get more ‘scenes’, stuff that makes a movie ‘longer’ (and certainly this movie is longer by nearly 30 minutes) and usually things that makes your favorite movie experience just a whole lot sexier. Too bad God Speed Love’s DC fails to deliver in that department.

Watching the Director’s Cut is like watching GSL become a snore fest with each added scene. Each ‘added’ scene does nothing to the story but makes the experience longer and makes you want to get up and take a piss break or wonder what’s going on your favorite message board. You get a scene of Tendou walking on the set of Dune, I mean destroyed Tokyo, and then some scenes of Hiyori humming ‘ God Bless America ‘ (again, remind me how in the hell the Japanese were awed inspired by our ‘pseudo’ National Anthem in a world of absolute chaos), and more scenes that pretty much do nothing for the story except make your ass go numb and your brain slowly drift away into thinking ” Wait, Tendou is CRYING? ” or ” Why the hell are we getting an extended scene of Tendou crying? … Again? ”

Ore ha CRYBABYThe action that you received in the Theatrical Version is basically the action that you receive in the Director’s Cut, and sadly that’s disappointing; but watching GSL kept screaming at me that Hiro and Yuuki were probably trying to win an Oscar for Best Actor in a Lead/Supporting Role rather than sell the story of two riders trying to reclaim the world’s water to rule the world or whatever the fuck the plotline was (I think it got lost in between another scene of Tendou crying and Hiyori talking to herself, I mean, her mother). I think the desire for “drama” killed whatever “action” the movie claimed to have; which seems to bring up the question of ” Why? ” as if we didn’t get enough of the focus in the television series.

So between the petty arguments of some pretty boy in BDUs, a bitchy chick in BDUs giving dirty stares, some yakuza looking member in a cape, and those TV series guys (you know, the cast of Kabuto? Save for the missing two castmates); God Speed Love kinda shoves in this epic battle “in space” (when they mean EPIC they mean a poorly constructed space station on a sound stage with a bad CGI of Dune, I mean, Earth) in a small hole surroundedvlcsnap-8757186.jpg by Kagami and Hiyori’s love life and Tendou’s emoness. Mmmm, emo. Oh, the Director’s Cut does give these other guys more scenes, like a scene where Yaguruma smirks … and when Blue Rose man appears… Hell, even Mishima gets an added scene with Riku’s mindless blabbering about rats.

… But that’s about it when its time for their screen time.

Now, I don’t hate Kabuto. I enjoy Kabuto and think its a good series, save all its writing faults, but Director’s Cut is really a waste of money. Apparently the DC got shafted for the GSL Limited Edition Collector’s Pack which puts both DVDs to shame (at a price tag of $72 dollars!) but when something like that is Out of Print you’re pretty much stuck with this DVD and some TV ads for “Special Features”…

… at least they could have gone the effort and added Japanese subs.