lol japan

Romes – Aiport Security System – Ep 2 : …. Zzzzzz

dramas > fuck you > romes -airport security system- > serials

The only good thing about Romes is this cat.

October 30, 2009 ・ merkypie

【ドラマ】ROMES~空港防御システム~CASE 2 「奪還」.mpg_snapshot_22.30_[2009.10.31_10.54.56]

This is the only good thing about ROMES

Romes has a severe problem of a dragging storyline, unconvincing scenes, and bland characters. So whoever thinks this is the greatest drama of the Fall 09 season should jump off a bridge and save us from their inane, tasteless, opinions; because ROMES is a pretty shitty drama. A shitty drama with failed promise.

I think that’s my problem when Japanese dramas try to take on the suspense/crime route: They’re never as believable as the American counterparts. I can never get into them.

I dout ep 3 is goig to get any better. Ohkura’s acting hasn’t.