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The Guests of Room 0 – Ohno faces reality, Maru is a tool

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  This week marked the final episode for the first story of 0 Gou shitsu no Kyaku. In a nutshell, Hiro tries to kill his ex-fiance and boss but his cell phone rings, distracting him and making him run away as if he wasn’t trying to stab them. He gets a text message from Miyuki […]

November 14, 2009 ・ merkypie
Like a boss

Like a boss


This week marked the final episode for the first story of 0 Gou shitsu no Kyaku. In a nutshell, Hiro tries to kill his ex-fiance and boss but his cell phone rings, distracting him and making him run away as if he wasn’t trying to stab them. He gets a text message from Miyuki and decides to wander around Tokyo aimlessly. Miyuki, on the other hand, spends the rest of the night at Room 0 reflecting on her relationship with Hiro.

At the end, the two realize that even though they’re not similar in social status or intellect, they’re similar in their plight: Two individuals constantly bullied for who they are. They patch up their relationship, Hiro really now appreciating his relationship with Miyuki rather than using it as an excuse to justify himself and the two leave Room 0 hand in hand.

While, on the other side of town, Miyuki sends a text to Sachi who turns out to be the girlfriend of the lead of our next story. She tells him that Miyuki spent the night with some guy, and he tells her he’s not going home tonight because he has to make up some jokes for his manzai act. At first she accuses him of doing something behind her back (ie: cheating) but then he explains to her about how crucial the punchline of a joke is. So Sachi mentions to him that he should just do it at home with his partner, but…

” Nah, I found a better place “

And pulls out a ticket for Room 0.

The only weakness Room 0 has is it’s pacing. While the first episode builds up the drama perfectly, it gets lost between eps 2 and 3 to rush an ending with the final ep. The story of Hiro and Miyuki was a very deep and complicated issue that tried to tell itself in 4 ten minute episodes. Essentially the depth of the story got lost and the rushed ending seemed a bit unsatisfying and predictable. All and all, it was a great entertaining watch — But tried to tell a complicated story in under 40 minutes.

Next week starts the second story in which Maru and Yasu of Kanjani8 take over as a struggling manzai duo that can’t come up with good jokes anymore. I am really excited for this episode because Kanjani8 takes the entire lead for the next four weeks (Maru, Yoko, and Yasu). Friday needs to be here already 😛

I did enjoy the tie in of the two stories, I thought that was nice.