Wrote this March of 2009.
So its over. This drama is a good drama, nothing spectacular about it, just a feel good drama with jokes thrown in. I won’t say its the best drama out there, as Giselle’s side story was so flat and annoying that I was quite frankly skipping past it. You can pretty much watch Uta no Onii-san without Giselle’s story and still get the main story untouched. Kenta’s ties to Giselle become weaker and weaker with each episode that Akane’s character is just dead weight and their relationship a frustrating revolving door that really does nothing for the story but give it an extra five minutes.
I will have to admit that Kenta’s development into the Uta no Onii-san very well handled and didn’t drag — He went from not giving a shit about the show to actually growing the love the show, probably more than the cast and staff themselves. I found the final episode to be anti-climatic. That ending was bound to happen and their struggle to get to the end not so much dramatic as I had hoped. Ohno’s acting in this episode felt more natural then all the other episodes, where it just seemed as if he was trying too hard to act like a guy that doesn’t give a shit. Which I don’t know why considering he just comes off naturally like that.
Maru had just waltz into his character of Mamoru without much effort though I felt when he had to act serious he over acted the seasons and it came off a bit too harsh. When he was the Uta no Onii-san, Maru was just free flowing and belivable. I could actually see him as an energenic guy on a children’s television show but whenever it turned towards Mamoru’s frustrated personal life I think Maru struggled with the character. I, quite honestly, don’t blame him so much because Mamoru’s character had mood swing changes that was really ” wow “. Urara’s character was consistant, as well as Kenta’s, but Mamoru’s character wasn’t consistant. I think going from care free music student to angry at the world for his failure major leaps in character that I don’t think Maru was that well prepared for. I think Maru is great when his character’s personality is consistant, like in Jitensha where he’s emo throughout the entire movie and just gets worst, but if there’s leap in character changes he struggles.
Uta no Onii-san is definitely a care free, mindless, drama that if you want to waste 8 hours of your time just enjoying yourself without much effort. But if you’re looking for drama you’re not going to get it and sometimes you may feel bored watching an episode too. Like Yuukan Club, it’s a good series and satisfying, not a must watch, but definitely a good one to add to the list whenever bored.