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Juui Dolittle – Dr. Dolittle – Episode 2: Shun’s a douche

dramas > juui dolittle > serials

The Charismatic Vetenarian Hanabishi, as he’s known, has his fame due to his compassion for animals and his awareness for the rightful treatment of animals through their owners. Unfortunately, he has a deep dark secret that involves Tottori which is now beginning to affect his practice and reputation amongst his peers. In episode two, we […]

October 26, 2010 ・ merkypie

The Charismatic Vetenarian Hanabishi, as he’s known, has his fame due to his compassion for animals and his awareness for the rightful treatment of animals through their owners. Unfortunately, he has a deep dark secret that involves Tottori which is now beginning to affect his practice and reputation amongst his peers.

All Massu does is whine and look constipated.

In episode two, we are presented with two cases: A sick show dolphin and it’s owner and a bengal cat and it’s estranged, newly adopted, owner. The show dolphin is sick with a fever and no one really can figure out why, not even Hanabishi (Narimiya), which puts his owner, played by Masuda Takahisa of NEWS, in an emotional dispair. Hanabishi then recruits the help of Tottori, whom does it for an outrageous fee of 1,000,000 yen, and spends the rest of the episode chewing the boy out about his apprehensive and protective nature over the dolphin.

On the other hand, we learn through the cat that Hanabishi has a phobia of surgery and passes out whenever he’s watching a surgery take place. He comes up with various excuses as to why he can’t perform the surgeries and is the primary reason why he refers nearly all his critical patients to Tottori (Oguri). After witnessing a man save a cat from a speeding truck, the man takes the cat to Hanabishi who notices something irregular with the cat and refers him to Tottori. Paying the costs of the surgery, the cat comes out of it but isn’t active or rambunctious — making the man frustrated and even more worried. We soon find out that the cat suffers from “mourning syndrome” and the man suffers from “pet loss syndrome” due to the both of them losing a pet and an owner and eventually the two join as pet and owner, much to Hanabishi’s delight.

Tottori continues to argue with the dolphin trainer, blaming him that if the dolphin dies it will be his fault. Soon they find out the dolphin is searching for a child it raised and is depressed  because it got lost in the harbor, and with medicine, the dolphin comes around and regains its trust with it’s trainer after saving Asuka (Inoue) and his life.

King of Douchebags

Dolittle is… watching Tottori be a douchebag to everyone around him and them around him put up with his crap because he’s the talented, legendary, veterinarian. He scolds people, pushes people around, and blame people for why their animals are in the situation they’re in while Hanabishi comes around collateral damage clean up and give them nice, inspiring, words that if “they open their ears, they can hear their pet’s voice”. Asuka is the push over girl that is head over heels infatuated with Hanabishi and arguing with Tottori in whatever opportunity arrises. Its like they’re setting the stage for the love triangle and it already seems like they’re letting us know who she’s gonna end up with.

Because its typical drama love triangle fair that the first guy the girl is infatuated with in the first half isn’t the guy she ends up with at the end of the drama.

Whatever. Hopefully there’ll be some conflict, Hanabishi will get over his phobia over one surgical mistake and blow Tottori out the water and maybe give the guy a piece of his own douchebag medicine. I mean, the bro is doing you a favor for your business at least you don’t have to piss in his coffee and take a dump on his desk in return.

Anyway, the drama is average. Its … alright but its boring. The only thing that keeps you watching is what new jacked up thing Tottori is going to spew out to a pet owner. Hanabishi is too busy freaking out over the decline of his practice due to his inability to perform surgeries and Asuka is too busy playing tsundere. Then there’s also this whole other plot with this big league vetenarian who wants to destroy both Dolittle and Hanabishi.


About the guest stars, I guess Massu always ends up as pool boy. This is the second drama where I’ve caught him magically guest starring and he’s again spending the entire episode in a pool. Maybe the fangirls like him wet?

I’m giving it one one more episode. Let’s hope some things change.

Episode Screencap Gallery is Here

Hana Kimi all over again, I'm telling youuuuu