lol japan

And here is where I believe Yoko is drama poison

13sai no hello work > 2012

And it’s a sad reality to face. But it’s true. 13sai no Hello Work is almost nearing it’s end with two more episodes left and here I’m left biting my nails and squirming in my chair hoping for the end to come. It’s not a good uneasiness, but that feeling you get when you just […]

March 1, 2012 ・ merkypie

And it’s a sad reality to face.

But it’s true.

13sai no Hello Work is almost nearing it’s end with two more episodes left and here I’m left biting my nails and squirming in my chair hoping for the end to come. It’s not a good uneasiness, but that feeling you get when you just want something to be over and done with. You sit there, wondering where it all went wrong and continue why it’s still going wrong.

13sai no Hello Work is Mabo’s answer to Nagase’s Karei Naru Spy.

What plagued Karei Naru Spy is what plagues 13sai no Hello Work. Characters that were interesting at first fall into a redundant pattern of stagnant growth that wears on you. Characters either become extremely annoying or extremely boring, and fast. Mabo spends each episode helping other people that you begin to question where exactly is this show going. While the mysterious man leaves him ominous hints over the phone, its still not enough to keep you watching because everyone else’s story in the drama is absolutely boring.

For some reason, I’m supposed to care about these children but I can’t seem give any fucks about their inability to figure out what they want to do with their lives. They’re a bunch of 13 year olds going to cram school, all of them having bitch ass attitudes until they’re slapped with some reality by Mabo. Nothing sets them apart from each other because its the same run of the mill, flat, acting that you can pretty much get anywhere else. It’s so irritating that you forget that the main character of this drama is Teppei, the ADHD 13 year old version of Mabo. Case in point, episode 6’s wonderful Valentine Day’s special. Teppei was so non existant I forgot he was a cast member.


But, please, I’m not out to beat up on some 13 year olds. That would be mean of me. The biggest deterrent of this drama is the story between the three main: Kogure, Takano, and Shoko. For some reason, I’m supposed to care about the relationship between these three but I really don’t care and to be honest, I don’t want to care. As I said in my initial review, Shoko is a waste of a character. One dimensional waste of space. It is nice to know that five episodes later, and this poor thing is still a waste of space in this 45 minute drama. Shoko is a frustrated soon-to-be college grad that can’t get work. She just gets angry at everyone and everything. It’s annoying. SO. SO. annoying. It’s nails on a chalk board annoying.

Then, once we add Takano into the relationship, its just a hot mess. While Kogure’s away in 2012, Takano unexpectedly develops a hardcore crush on Shoko. While, considering they’re living together, it’s not that far stretch of the imagination for something like this to happen, especially with Kogure out of the picture 5 days of the week to become resident cockblocker, it’s just has that annoying writing that plagued Zenkai Girl and Freeter, Ie wo Kau.


Girl hates Boy because Boy does not live up to her expectations. Then suddenly Girl gets knocked upside the head with reality and “deals” with the fact that Boy is all she can really get in life because she fails at it and becomes his girl. While, on the other hand, Boy gets bitch slapped all around town from said girl and will continue to be bitch slapped with hopes that she’ll turn around.


It’s an obnoxious plot device. Give me a legitimate love story and I will ship the fuck out of it. Give me bullshit and I will try to claw myself out of the shit hole I’m being buried in. 

It doesn’t help that Takano’s character really has nothing else to offer the story other than be Kogure’s bitch boy. It was funny at first, but that’s all he is now and its getting old.

Basically, my whole gripe is that there’s no fucking story. The main story is so non existant that you’re just left at the end of every episode going, ” Okay, so when the fuck is Kogure’s miracle gonna happen? Or is this just one huge giant troll. Cause if it is, fuck this drama.”



Mabo you’re the only reason why I keep watching.

you're the only good thing in this show ;_;